34 lines
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34 lines
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function! s:sonokai_custom() abort
" Link a highlight group to a predefined highlight group.
" See `colors/sonokai.vim` for all predefined highlight groups.
"highlight! link groupA groupB
"highlight! link groupC groupD
" Initialize the color palette.
" The parameter is a valid value for `g:sonokai_style`,
let l:palette = sonokai#get_palette('default')
" Define a highlight group.
" The first parameter is the name of a highlight group,
" the second parameter is the foreground color,
" the third parameter is the background color,
" the fourth parameter is for UI highlighting which is optional,
" and the last parameter is for `guisp` which is also optional.
" See `autoload/sonokai.vim` for the format of `l:palette`.
call sonokai#highlight('LineNr', l:palette.grey, l:palette.bg1)
call sonokai#highlight('SignColumn', l:palette.fg, l:palette.bg1)
call sonokai#highlight('VertSplit', l:palette.bg1, l:palette.none)
call sonokai#highlight('Terminal', l:palette.fg, l:palette.bg1)
augroup CustomColors
autocmd ColorScheme sonokai call s:sonokai_custom()
augroup END
" Colorscheme setup
let g:lightline.colorscheme = 'sonokai'
let g:sonokai_transparent_background = 1
let g:sonokai_show_eob = 0
colorscheme sonokai