# Path to your dotfiles relative to your $HOME directory dotfiles_dir = "src/dotfiles" [settings] # An array of toml files paths containing the variables to inject in your templatized dotfiles # You can have multiple var files as long as variable names does not colide. vars = [ "vars.toml" ] # An array of post install shell commands # hooks = [ "" ] [settings.dots] # A dot entry representing a symlink, `source` is relative to `dotfiles_dir` # and `target` shall be relative to $HOME directory or absolute. # You can have as many dot entry as you want, linking files or directories alacritty = { source = "alacritty", target = ".config/alacritty" } sway = { source = "sway", target = ".config/sway" } waybar = { source = "waybar", target = ".config/waybar" } wofi = { source = "wofi", target = ".config/wofi" } # zsh zsh = { source = "aliases", target = ".aliases" } p10k = { source = "p10k.zsh", target = ".p10k.zsh" } zshenv = { source = "zshenv", target = ".zshenv" } zshrc = { source = "zshrc", target = ".zshrc" } # vim nvim = { source = "nvim", target = ".config/nvim" } vimrc = { source = "vimrc", target = ".vimrc" } # helix helix = { source = "helix", target = ".config/helix" } # tmux tmux = { source = "tmux", target = ".config/tmux" } tmux_conf = { source = "tmux.conf", target = ".tmux.conf" } # git git_template = { source = "git_template", target = ".git_template" } gitconfig = { source = "gitconfig", target = ".gitconfig" } gitignore = { source = "gitignore", target = ".gitignore" } gitui = { source = "gitui", target = ".config/gitui" } # gpg gpg_agent = { source = "gnupg/gpg-agent.conf", target = ".gnupg/gpg-agent.conf" } # zellij zellij = { source = "zellij", target = ".config/zellij" } # navi navi = { source = "navi", target = ".config/navi" } # broot broot = { source = "broot", target = ".config/broot" }